Welcome to the website of Mathematical Research Journal

The journal of Mathematical Researches (MR) aims to familiarize all mathematical scientists with recent advances in all fields of mathematics. It is published by Kharazmi University and covers topics related to mathematics in its broadest sense, including applied, experimental, and basic research works. MR was established in 2015 and is a peer-reviewed open-access quarterly journal spanning the full scope of theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics. MR aims to publish high-quality original research articles that make a significant contribution to the research areas of both theoretical and applied mathematics.
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Mathematical Researches

2024، Volume 10، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2588-2546

Online ISSN: 2588-2554

Director-in-Charge: Dr Reza Orfi

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Shahnam Javadi

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 10، Number 2
  • Print ISSN: 2588-2546
  • Online ISSN: 2588-2554
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr Reza Orfi
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr Shahnam Javadi
  • Publisher:

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