Throughout this paper, (
R, m) is a commutative Noetherian local ring with the maximal ideal
m. The following conjecture proposed by Bass [1], has been proved by Peskin and Szpiro [2] for almost all rings:
(B) If R admits a finitely generated R-module of finite injective dimension, then R is Cohen-Macaulay.
The problems treated in this paper are closely related to the following generalization of Bass conjecture which is still wide open:
(GB) If R admits a finitely generated R-module of finite Gorenstein-injective dimension, then R is Cohen-Macaulay.
Our idea goes back to the first steps of the solution of Bass conjecture given by Levin and Vasconcelos in 1968 [3] when
R admits a finitely generated
R-module of injective dimension
Levin and Vasconcelos indicate that if
is a non-zerodivisor, then for every finitely generated
M, there is
. Using this fact, they construct a finitely generated
R-module of finite injective dimension in the case where
R is Cohen-Macaulay (the converse of Conjecture
In this paper we study the Gorenstein injective dimension of local cohomology. We also show that if
R is Cohen-Macaulay with minimal multiplicity, then every finitely generated module of finite Gorenstein injective dimension has finite injective dimension.
We prove that a Cohen-Macaulay local ring has a finitely generated module of finite Gorenstein injective dimension.
Type of Study:
Original Manuscript |
alg Received: 2017/11/5 | Revised: 2019/12/16 | Accepted: 2018/04/23 | Published: 2019/11/18 | ePublished: 2019/11/18