Let R be a commutative ring with identity and Nil(R) be the set of nilpotent elements of R. The nil-graph of ideals of R is defined as the graph AG_N(R) whose vertex set is {I:(0)and there exists a non-trivial ideal
such that
and two distinct vertices
are adjacent if and only if
. Here, we study conditions under which
is complete or bipartite. Also, the independence number of
is determined, where
is a reduced ring. Finally, we classify Artinian rings whose nil-graphs of ideals have genus at most one.
Type of Study:
Original Manuscript |
alg Received: 2020/03/24 | Revised: 2023/06/17 | Accepted: 2020/12/22 | Published: 2022/12/31 | ePublished: 2022/12/31