Volume 8, Issue 2 (Vol. 8,No. 2, 2022)                   mmr 2022, 8(2): 184-202 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghasemabadi A. Addiction to Internet, Modeling and Control. mmr 2022; 8 (2) :184-202
URL: http://mmr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3081-en.html
Esfarayen University of technology , ghasemabadi.math@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1536 Views)
In recent years, the use of the Internet has been increasing. Attractions and many educational and recreational applications, etc. have caused the emergence of a new phenomenon called Internet addiction.   Internet addiction is a new and interesting topic that arises from social changes including the cellularization of society and the family. Poor family support of their members, poor social skills, and easy access to Internet has contributed to this addiction.
Today, there are Internet addiction treatment clinics around the world. In addition to the treatment, the person in these clinics receives the necessary training to use the Internet properly.
The effects of Internet addiction are similar to other addictions. These effects include mental disorders, euphoria and desire to consume more, etc. Because of the great similarities between Internet addiction and other addictions, in this article we have developed the epidemic model of heroin addiction in White and Comiskey [1].
Material and methods
In the proposed model, we have studied the effect of education and prevention. To examine this issue, we have considered five classes: 1- Susceptible individuals, 2- Internet users without training, 3- Educated Internet users and fully aware of the harms of the Internet addiction, 4- Internet addicts 5- Addicts under treatment and education.
We examine the dynamic behavior of the model such as backward bifurcation, local and global stability equilibrium points. We investigate the boundary and obtain the basic reproduction number of the system. We study the existence of endemic equilibrium points and, using the Chavez-Sang theorem, show that the backward bifurcation occurs. We obtain sufficient conditions for the global stability, the addiction-free equilibrium point, and the endemic equilibrium point using the Lyapunov function and the geometric stability method.
Results and discussion
The epidemic model of heroin addiction was first introduced by White and Comiskey. In this article, we have developed this model. First, we have considered the age group of 15 to 65 years old as people who are inclined to use the Internet. Then some of these people become Internet users and a group of these people may become addicted to the Internet due to the excessive use of the Internet. At a certain rate, these addicts are treated and educated. On the one hand, Internet users may not become addicted and receive the necessary training and become professional Internet users.
In this paper, we have conducted a complete qualitative study of the model including the existence and evaluation of local and global stability of the equilibrium points of the model.
We have shown that under certain conditions the addiction-free equilibrium point is local and global asymptotical stable. Using the compound matrix, we have obtained the conditions for the global stability of the endemic equilibrium point. We have shown the occurrence of backward bifurcation. This bifurcation indicates that when, addiction remains in the society.
To control addiction, we need to get. Reduce  to less than.
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Type of Study: Original Manuscript | Subject: Geometry of dynamical systems
Received: 2020/04/27 | Revised: 2022/11/16 | Accepted: 2020/08/5 | Published: 2022/05/21 | ePublished: 2022/05/21

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