Border bases are a generalization of Gröbner bases for zero-dimensional ideals which have attracted the interest of many researchers recently. More precisely, border bases provide a new method to find a structurally stable monomial basis for the residue class ring of a polynomial ideal and this yields a special generating set for the ideal possessing many nice properties.
Given a finite set of points, finding the set of all polynomials vanishing on it (so-called either ideal of points or vanishing ideal of the set of points) has numerous applications in several fields in Mathematics and other sciences. In 1982, Buchberger and Möller proposed an algorithm to compute a Gröbner basis for an ideal of points. This algorithm proceeds by performing Gaussian elimination on a generalized Vandermonde matrix. In 2006, Farr and Gao presented an incremental algorithm to compute a Gröbner basis for an ideal of points. The main goal of their paper is to calculate a Gröbner basis for the vanishing ideal of any finite set of points under any monomial ordering, and for points with nontrivial multiplicities they adapt their algorithm to compute the vanishing ideal via Taylor expansions.
The method of border bases is a beneficial tool to obtain a set of polynomial models identified by experimental design and regression. The utilization of Gröbner bases theory in experimental design was introduced by Pistone and Wynn. However, using Gröbner bases we cannot find all possible models which form structure of an order ideal for an experiment. For example, if we consider the design {(-1,1),(1,1),(0,0),(1,0),(0,-1)}, the model {